R/V Thomas G. Thompson TN168-2

Overview | Sections | Photos

kess_cruisetrack_2004_2The Kuroshio Extension System Study (KESS) 2-year field program began Summer 2004 with two deployment cruises. The second leg, 5-June to 19-June 2004 (15 at-sea days), departed from and returned to Yokohama, Japan on the R/V Thompson. The main objectives were:

  1. deploy an array of 7 profilers/ADCP/CM moorings;
  2. launch KEO buoy
  3. launch profiling floats;


PDF of the Cruise Overview.

 Science Participants

Name Institution Responsibility
Nelson Hogg Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Chief Scientist
Steven Jayne Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Co-Chief Scientist
Brian Hogue Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution MMP
James Dunn Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution MMP
William Ostrom Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution MMP
Stephanie Waterman Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Watch
Bryan Klostermeyer US Coast Guard Watch
Peter Hacker University of Hawaii Argo floats
Bo Qiu University of Hawaii Argo floats
Pierre Dutrieux University of Hawaii Argo floats
Steven Kunze NOAA/Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory KEO Buoy
Fumio Mitsudera Hokkaido University Atmospheric Soundings
Genta Mizuta Hokkaido University Atmospheric Soundings
LTJG Jean Dietz US Navy Watch
AG2 Joshua Kelly US NAvy Watch